World Breastfeeding Week with Lynne McKensey-Hall IBCLC

The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week and to help local eastern suburbs mums with breastfeeding, local
IBCLC lactation consultant Lynne-McKensey Hall offers her advice for mothers and their breastfeeding journey.

It’s very importantly this week provides an ideal opportunity to encourage those of you who are struggling with breastfeeding.

Lynne has several ‘bottom line’ statements she offers clients that she knows truly to be right and totally believes in.

1.Breastfeeding does not hurt!!

If it does there is something not going well.

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you your attachment look good. If it hurts, it’s not right, get help.

If you have seen an IBCLC (International Board of Certified Lactation Consultant) and she hasn’t helped, see another one.

We all work from the same principles of care but each of us has a slightly different approach. A different person might work better with you to achieve
a positive breastfeeding experience.

2. Don’t wait 6 weeks to get help.

There is nothing magical about the 6 week period when your nipples will suddenly get better.

If breastfeeding stops hurting Bravo! Without realising it, you adjusted your position and attachment which made the difference. It’s not because your
nipples toughened up. You won’t see callouses on your nipples.

You wouldn’t hang around with a broken foot or a pain in your stomach, you’d see a doctor pretty quickly so….. see an IBCLC lactation consultant
quickly too. Any pain no gain especially when it comes to your nipples!

3. Bringing a new baby home is like starting a new job.

Remember your first job? A new school? Starting Uni? Don’t you remember it about 3 weeks to settle in as you found your way around the work and social
environment and to got to know your colleagues?

Bringing a new baby home is similar. It takes about 3 weeks for your mature milk to settle in about the same time to feel confident with reading your baby’s
feeding and sleeping cues. I always hope a new mum has a supportive partner or significant other to manage the day to day business of running the home
as well as providing physical and emotional support in these early weeks.

The good news is, babies are designed to pretty well eat and sleep in these first 3 weeks giving you the opportunity to eat sleep and care for yourself
at the same time. If this isn’t happening, get help quickly or, if you know anyone struggling encourage them to get help and who from? An IBCLC lactation

4. We need to help mothers feed comfortably and longer

Parents understandably want to do the right thing for their new baby and will at times feel anxious about their parenting skills. Most women in Australia
start breastfeeding in hospital but sadly too many have given up by 6 months.

There are excellent resources in the community to help mothers breastfeed and parent successfully so they don’t feel overwhelmed, anxious or potentially

  • Return to the lactation drop in classes at the hospital where you had your baby
  • Join the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)
  • Access the 24 hour ABA help line
  • Access the lactation drop in classes at the Early Childhood Centre with an IBCLC consultant
  • Look at the LCANZ website to find a local private IBCLC

If you relate to this and are struggling or if you know someone who is, access any of the following options for help.

Remember, if the one you try doesn’t work, try someone else. Invariably there is a solution that can make a difference very quickly and easily.

Lynne-McKensey Hall