New Australian company creates sustainable educational ‘clever suitcases’ and  playmats in response to seeing too many very young kids on devices’. 

‘We were compelled to design a practical toy which helps parents find an  alternative to their children using devices when out and about’. 

With their slogan “Learning while playing everywhere you go!”, The Wonderful Little Suitcase Company  reminds us of the beauty and benefits of play and that there are clever alternatives for young children to  using digital devices.

This new Australian toy company has designed clever and completely original ‘pop up’ toy suitcases never  before seen, with different integrated themes that offer a variety of playing options for children 3+, These  unique suitcases are not only portable and beautiful but they are also designed with long time experience  and sound educational knowledge to support early childhood development. In addition to the suitcases  there are optional extra large pure cotton double sided playmats which extend the playing area and offer  more play ideas. 

Co-founder and designer, Angela, is a mother of two as well as having a background in both design and  paediatric speech therapy. She also worked extensively with occupational therapists with whom she  collaborated with in the design process. In understanding the benefits of play, she really wanted to create a  stunning quality toy that supports the child’s development through their different stages of play whilst also  wanting it to be easy to store and take wherever you go.  


“In my work as a speech therapist for children with development disorders I was often asked by parents,  what toys would be best suitable for their children’s age and stage and what they can easily take with them. This is where I wanted to provide a toy option which makes it easy to interact with, is portable, made with  natural materials and which is also versatile. From simply playing and exploring to diving deep into their  imagination and creating unique stories. 


More importantly she wanted to give busy parents alternatives to smartphones and tablets for their young  children. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates famously banned their children using their devices until they were  almost teenagers for good reason. We believe in supporting their development in their early years so that  they are better prepared for the digital world. The result of years of research and development resulted in a  fun original wooden toy that combines learning and exploration, is thoughtful, beautiful and practical, whilst  also considering the environment.’

The toy industry is the most plastic intensive industry in the world so they engaged leading Sydney  industrial design studio ‘Vert’ to help them create the final products using sustainable and recycled  materials. The suitcases and playmats can be purchased separately or there is a launch offer which offers them as a package. Now for sale online at and soon in selected stores. 



Ocean lovers and car lovers Suitcase on Youtube: