
Meet this week’s local mum Kiri Vasales from @bazaarmumma on her tips for surviving motherhood in Sydney’s east.

Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east?

I moved to Coogee a couple of months after I graduated high-school in Canberra and I can’t see myself ever moving away! Unless it’s to Paris, I’d be happy to move there.

How many children?

Miss Matisse is 2 and I’m due in August with our second little girl. My husband wants 6 kids. May I emphasize thinks.

Favourite Park?

The playground on the south end of Coogee near the Grant Reserve is pretty good and we can run around on the beach afterwards.

Favourite Beach?

Coogee is home, it has everything we like. Nice sand, small waves, not too many backpackers or tourists. We do love going down to Wylie’s Baths sometimes too if we don’t feel like getting too sandy.

Favourite kid friendly cafe?

Coogee Pavilion. Do I need to explain? Coffee, food, wine, play area. The only downside is dragging a kicking and screaming toddler out of there when its time to leave without knocking anyone (or everyone) over.

Favourite Coffee Spot?

The Courtyard Cafe or Gusto in Coogee, Bat Country at The Spot or anywhere I can get a park right out front so I don’t have to get Matisse out of the car because we’re always running late to somewhere!

Favourite date night place?

Buon Ricordo in Paddington for something romantic (like that happens often), Mr Wong or the Hotel Palisade in the city with friends otherwise Bar Reggio in Darlo for good cheap eats!

Favourite Mother’s Group Location?

Instagram is my Mother’s group so I can take my mummas with me wherever I go. @bazaarmumma

Favourite wet weather location?

Friends with bigger houses.

Favourite Local Shop?

KidoStore on Clovelly Road for awesome kids threads and COS Bondi Junction for simple classic cuts (which I’m really appreciating for maternity options right now!)

Work or SAHM?

Always working on something (my poor blog does get neglected) but all from home.

Motherly advice?

Be yourself. And love yourself.

Motherhood isn’t all rosy cheeks and morning kisses (although they are wonderful) so listen to your instincts, your inner mother goddess and do what feels right. Then if that feels wrong so something else. Never doubt your decisions, we never stop learning.

Follow Kiri’s motherhood journey and fanatastic wardrobe on Instagram @bazaarmumma