
Mindful Me Therapy
Business Name
Short description
Mindful Me Therapy is a progressive counselling practice based in Woollhara, Sydney that specializes in providing empathetic and personalized counselling services to teenagers, young adults, and families.
Business Category
Phone number
0403 516 707
5 Fern Place, Woollahra, NSW 2025
Google Map

Perfectly Imperfect
Business Name
Short description
We provide neuro-diversity affirming psychology services and disability support services for autistic, ADHER's, queer, and gender-diverse people, as well as those within the neurotypical community struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, family conflict.
Phone number
Phone number 0411 837 312 Fax number 02 9072 2683
1/1141 Botany Road, Mascot, NSW 2020
Google Map