Is there a budding Streep or Spielberg in your home? Bondi Kids Drama wants to hear from them!

After an action-packed first term, Bondi Kids Drama is gearing up for its second: welcoming new and continuing students alike for a term of drama games, storytelling, performance and fun. “Term 1 was focused on all things improv, so we’re introducing some words back into the mix,” says co-director Alexander Lee-Rekers.

“Term 2 is about monologues, which I know can sound a bit daunting! But really it’s all about creating characters, building a world and letting them tell their very own stories.”

The Wednesday short film class will also be shaking things up this term, focusing on the creation of original music videos devised and directed by the students. As for Advanced Drama (ages 11 – 13), it’s all about audition technique and preparation. Co-director Olivia Pigeot says: “A lot of our students are getting ready for their performing arts high school auditions, some are even going for professional commercial and screen work. We are in a unique position to give them the best training to be ready for these challenges.”

Each term at BKD is carefully tailored to the students enrolled–geared towards the themes and topics they respond to, how they interact with each other and their past experience. At the end of each term, students contribute to an original group project that brings all of their skills into focus and lets parents see their hard work pay off. “Sometimes it’s a play on the last week of term, says Alexander. “But then we do like to keep it varied. Our students have made movement pieces, interactive theatre, short films, even a radio play with live sound effects! That one was very, very cool…”

BKD aims to foster mindfulness, emotional and physical awareness, as well as the kind of self regulation that comes with study and practice of a chosen discipline. Its ultimate goal is to nurture a community of young creatives who can articulate feelings and express themselves with confidence.

With places strictly limited, contact them now at to secure your child a place.

Where: Bondi Scout Hall

When: Drama (Ages 7 – 9) Mondays 3:30pm and Thursdays 3:45pm, Drama (Ages 10 – 12) Mondays 4:45pm, Short Film (Ages 9 – 12) Wednesdays 3:30pm, Advanced Drama (Ages Ages 11 – 13) Wednesdays 4:30pm.

Cost: $200 per term (Creative Kids Vouchers accepted, sibling discounts available)