Randwick City Council is upgrading the playground at Alison Park, Alison Road Randwick.
The playground upgrade is one of many we are undertaking over the coming years, in response to the community’s request to see play spaces in Randwick City upgraded to include more exciting and adventurous equipment suitable for a range of ages and abilities*.
Council aims to maintain a very high community satisfaction rating for our open spaces, coastal walkways and playgrounds.
Last updated in 2000, the Alison Park Playground is located near the Randwick Town Centre, schools, and childcare centres, and is popular with local families and visitors. There approximately 1,600 children aged 0-5 and 2,000 children aged 5 to 11 living in the suburb of Randwick. This means the provision of quality play spaces is important for the physical and mental development of children as well as providing socialising opportunities for children and parents and carers.
The upgrade will include new play equipment, rubber soft fall and shade cloths.
We would love to hear from the children of Randwick to help us understand what you’d like to see in the new playground.
Have your say:
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Take our survey or use our ideas board to share a great idea! |
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Join us at the playground to share your ideas in person on Monday 10 October, 3.30pm to 4.30pm and Wednesday 12 October, 10am to 11am. |
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Send your comments to the General Manager headed “Alison Park Playground Upgrade” to council@randwick.nsw.gov.au(External link) or 30 Frances Street, Randwick 2031. |
Consultation period: 12 September to 9am, 17 October 2022.
Next steps: Your ideas will be used to help develop a concept plan for the upgrade. Plans will be exhibited for further community feedback in late 2022.
Source: Randwick City Council Open Space and Recreation Needs Study 2020.