The nights are starting to draw out, that chill that’s been in the air these past weeks feels warmer and new growth is appearing in the gardens and parks around the city.Here it is, the start of spring!
In yoga and TCM (Traditional Chinse Medicine) spring is associated with the Wood element and the Liver and Gallbladder meridians. During spring we can create flexibility in both body and mind. It’s about sparking ideas and gaining inspiration and vision for the months ahead.
Through yoga postures and breathing techniques we release frustration and let go of any negative emotions that may be holding us back.
For our kids, they are coming to the end of the term and soon the end of the year.For many, fatigue is starting to sink in. It’s not uncommon during this time of the year for kids to become irritable and cranky.
“School is really busy and my head gets full but when I come to yoga I feel free.” – Olivia, 7 year old Yogini
“Before yoga today I felt frustrated, now I feel calm” – Justin, 8 year old Yogi
A little yoga play can brighten up the day.Roll out the yoga mat and give these five fun poses ago. Take it nice and easy.Remember yoga’s not about pushing your body into the perfect pose.It’s about moving the body through the breath, relaxing into the pose and seeing where it takes you…
Seated Twist variation, Parsva Sukhasana
Sit cross legged
Stretch the hands out to the sides parallel with the shoulders
Place the right hand onto the left knee
Straighten the spine
Place the left hand on the floor behind the body
Stay here for three breaths before repeating on the other side
Gate Pose, Parighasana
Kneel on the mat
Extend the right leg out to the right side
Rest the right and on the extended right leg
Reach the left arms up and then arch over to the right
Stay here for three to five breaths and repeat on the other side
Eagle Pose variation, Garudasana
Sit with both legs straight out in front of the body
Place the right foot on the floor over the left thigh and as close to the left hip as possible
Bend the left knee and place the left foot as close to the right hip as possible
Stretch arms straight out in front of the body
Cross the left elbow over the inside of the right elbow
Bend Elbows and bring the palms of the hands together
Relax the shoulders
Straighten the spine
Stay here for three to five breaths and repeat on the other side
Triangle Pose, Trikonasana
Stand with legs wide
Turn the right foot to the right side
Hold the arms parallel to the ground
Move the left hips towards the back left hand and the torso forwards towards the right hand
Tip your straight arms 90 degrees and let the hand rest where it lands on the leg or ankle
Gaze towards the floor or up to the left hand
Hold here for three to five breaths before switching to the other side
Reclining Butterfly Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana
Lie on the back with legs together
Bend your knees and place feet on the ground
Place the hands on the inner thighs and guide the knees towards the floor
Place the hands on the floor next to the body, palms facing upwards
Relax the body and close the eyes
Notice the rise and fall of the belly as the breath enters and leaves the body
Breathe naturally
Remain here for 5-10 minutes
These instructions are guidelines and are best practiced with an experienced kid’s yoga teacher. When practicing yoga please be mindful of your body’s limits and never force or strain.
The benefits of a regular kids yoga and mindfulness practice stretch off the mat and into everyday life.Kids build positive relationships with others, become more resilient and find it easier to concentrate in the classroom.
Many schools now have kids yoga and mindfulness as part of their wellbeing or sports offering.
Inner Child Yoga runs classes for 5-12 year olds at schools, OOSH’s and Sona Yoga in Randwick. Our mind-body programs empower kids to connect with themselves, love who they are and fully experience the adventure of life.
“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.” ~ Albert Einstein
For more info go to Inner Child Yoga