Tips from  The Randwick city council for a safe and spooktacular Halloween.

Have you noticed a few extra zombies, ghouls and witches on your street lately? Get ready – Halloween is coming up on Monday 31 October!

Many kids in Randwick City enjoy dressing up to go ‘trick or treating’, and the day is a great way to come together as a community. More important than loading up on lollies and spooking the neighbours is making sure everyone stays safe.

Here are a few tips to help make sure this Halloween is safe and fun for everyone.


Road safety is so important on a night like Halloween when children are walking around after dark. Remind your children to stay on footpaths, walk – not run – from house to house, and to stop, look and listen for cars when crossing roads or driveways.
Drivers who are out and about on Monday night need to be cautious and watch for children walking on roads and footpaths. Particularly, drivers should enter and exit driveways slowly and carefully and keep an eye out for children in dark clothing in the evening.


Children may become disoriented and lost during twilight and night-time hours. The added excitement can create an element of unpredictability in children’s behaviour, and they may wander off more readily. Keep a close eye on kids to make sure they’re kept safe and within reach. You may want to write your phone number on your child’s hand or give them a piece of paper with your phone number written on it so they can ask for help if they get lost. Talk to them about what to do if they can’t find you and how to find a safe adult to talk to for help.


Complete your child’s costume with non-toxic face paint instead of a mask or helmet so as not to obstruct their vision. To help them stand out and be seen, have them carry a glow stick, and wear bright colours or reflective stickers. It is also advisable to avoid sharp edged objects like plastic swords or weapons on your child’s costume.

Consumption of allergy triggers such as peanuts may be a concern when collecting treats. Kindly decline any homemade or unlabelled treats to avoid hidden triggers and have medical supplies on hand.


Children under 12 years should be accompanied by an adult and should never enter a car or house for a treat. A good solution is to have one adult supervise a group of children on their ‘trick or treat‘ outing. It is also advisable to prearrange your ‘trick or treat’ route and decide which houses your children will visit.

We understand not everyone is keen to participate in Halloween. It’s a good idea to indicate whether you’re happy to have your door knocked on on 31 October. If you want to be involved, ensure your house is brightly lit with outdoor lights, decorations are hung, or you have a clear poster or sign welcoming trick or treaters. If you do not wish to be involved, turn off your outdoor lights and keep gates locked (if possible).

If your children are old enough to go out unsupervised, make sure they understand these safety basics.
Let’s make Monday night a treat for everyone by being cautious and staying safe.

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