

Health & Wellbeing

Seatbelt Use During Pregnancy Research Opportunity!

Are you or someone you know ≥20 weeks pregnant? Researchers at Neuroscience Research Australia and The George Institute are seeking volunteers for a study measuring the quality of seatbelt fit and use among pregnant women. Would the research project be a good fit for me? We are looking for women aged 18 or over with a single or multiple pregnancy who are greater than or equal to 20 weeks gestation. They must be willing to attend one lab visit at NeuRA, in Randwick and be able to read English well enough to understand the consent form. What would be involved…

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Health & Wellbeing

Embracing Relaxation Techniques for a Mindful and Positive Pregnancy

Embarking on the journey of pregnancy is truly a life-changing experience. However, it can also bring about changes, hormonal shifts, and various other sources of stress. To navigate this exciting yet challenging period, focusing on self-care and adopting relaxation practices that can enhance mindfulness and positivity during your pregnancy is essential. Notably, relaxation techniques are easy to follow, and you might only need some time to start them. You can practice these techniques any time of the day or night, depending on when you feel the most comfortable. Just as it is essential to educate yourself about dealing with a…

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For Mums, Health & Wellbeing, Uncategorized

Exercise and the Postpartum Marathon

As an Exercise Physiologist and Women’s Health Expert, I want to talk to you about the importance of exercising during the postpartum period and the associated myths of your postpartum journey. HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? I’m a HUGE advocate for early intervention. I want you to start reframing your 0-6 week postpartum journey as this: Start reconnecting to your breath as soon as comfortably possible Find connections with your diaphragm and get comfortable feeling what an activated and relaxed pelvic floor feels like If you experience extra bleeding or discomfort that continue into the next day, this is a…

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