Miscarriage is often invisible loss, yet statistics show 1 in 4 women experience miscarriage in Australia. There is a lack of understanding around what women experience with miscarriage and what kinds of support women require during and after miscarriage. 

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Psychology PhD candidate Aastha Ahuja, under the supervision of A/Prof Emilee Gilbert and Dr Renu Narchal from the School of Psychology. This research will explore how women experience miscarriage using body mapping. Participation is open to any person who identifies as a woman who has experienced miscarriage in the last 5-7 years.

There will be 2 interviews in total, with a gap of 7-15 days between each interview. Each interview will be approximately 90 minutes long, and participation should not take more than 180 minutes in total. Your participation will be a valuable addition to this research, with the study findings contributing to a better understanding of the experiences of mothers who experience miscarriage. Your input will provide the knowledge that is essential for the continued and more targeted development for miscarriage support in local healthcare settings. Insights from participants may also potentially influence how miscarriage is perceived in the in the wider society. Additionally, you will receive a $50 Prezzee gift card after each interview to thank you for participating in the study. 

The results from the study will be a part of my PhD thesis. It is anticipated that the results of this research project will be published and/or presented in a variety of forums. No names will be used in any publication and/or presentation, information will be provided in such a way that the participant cannot be identified. except with your permission. Your confidentiality is assured as your data will be stored without reference to your name or other identifying information, on password protected drives. 

Participation is entirely voluntary, and you are not obliged to be involved. If you do participate you can withdraw at any time without giving reason. If you do choose to withdraw, any information gathered during the interview may be used up till the time you withdraw with consent. For example, participating in Interview-1only and unable to participate in Interview-II, data from your first interview would be used with consent. 

If you know a person who would like to participate in the study, you can tell them about the study by providing them with Aastha’s contact details as well as referring them to be participants of the study if they meet the eligibility criteria. 

Please click on the link to read more about the study: Click here

Please click on this link to fill the demographic form: Click here

Please contact Aastha Ahuja should you wish to discuss the research further before deciding whether to participate.

Aastha Ahuja

Email: 22083704@student.westernsydney.edu.au