My name is Julia, I am part of a family unit that includes me, my hubby, Marcus, 2 boys aged 13 and 9 years, a needy staffie called Izzy and all the people I am lucky to be surrounded with who support and love us (you know who you are ☺). I have worked as a play-based Speech Pathologist for 20 years and have owned a private practice for almost 10 years. I actually bought and grew Kids Spot when my youngest was 8 weeks old and when I look back on that time I often wonder how the hell I did it! Nowadays and after much hard work and reflection I am so glad I did. I get to lead and mentor the most incredible team of Speech Pathologists, work with an amazing group of Occupational Therapists and support the wonderful work that our families do in raising their children. The BEST part of my job is watching the joy on the little faces of children when they run into our clinic for their weekly session. 

Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east?

I was born in Poland and my family immigrated to Australia when I was 7 years old. We settled in Western Sydney and after uni and a short stint overseas I settled in Bondi shortly after meeting my husband 18 years ago. Over the years, we have gradually moved further south living in Maroubra, Matraville and now in Little Bay where we hope to stay long term.

Three words that describe what it’s like to live in the eastern suburbs?

can I do phrases? 

At times rushed with pockets of peace

Eclectic and fun 

Expensive but hugely worth it 

How many children?

2 incredibly different boys aged 13 and 9 years! Not only do they look nothing alike, but their personalities are like chalk and cheese. How do the same set of genes create such opposites!?

Favourite Beach:

Coogee Beach – As a foodie, I love that there are so many great food and coffee options really close by. 

Favourite kid friendly cafe:

Green Olive and Picallo Biaia in Little Bay. Both have a large outdoor eating area where kids can play and be noisy without annoying others. There’s also many parks and a playgrounds nearby so you can also grab takeaway and watch the kids play (or play with them!)

Favourite Coffee Spot:

The Boathouse in La Perouse – they make a REALLY good coffee! 

Favourite date night place:

Definity Sugar Cane in Coogee – such great Asian food! It’s also where my hubby arranged a surprise 40th dinner for me with friends so it holds some special memories.  

Where in the east have you yet to explore and would like to ?

Cape Banks walking track. I’ve done parts of it but not all the way so would love to do it in one go with a picnic along the way. 

What would you like to see improve in the eastern suburbs?

It would be great for there to be more access to affordable housing. Whilst this is an issue all over Sydney (and beyond) – the east feels especially difficult for many who have lived here for a long time and watched it explode in price around them. The prices now make it pretty much impossible for teachers, health care workers and public servants to afford to live here.

Favourite Local Shop:

Marshmellow in Woollahra – it’s down the road from our clinic and stocks fashion, accessories and some homewares. I can pretty much guarantee going in and coming out with something I love.

Favourite wet weather location:

at home, snuggled up in bed with a good book or making home made pasta. 

Favourite Local family Weekend Activity?

A lazy walk from home to LaPerouse ending at the Boathouse for coffee and bacon and egg rolls with the kids and the dog. 

Work or SAHM?

Flexible work that allows me to do the school pick up most days and run the kids to their activities. 

Motherly advice?

Trust your gut. It’s not easy but try to tune into it. In this day and age of instant advice, media influence and a million people putting in their 2 cents, it’s easy to lose sight of how your body feels, what your emotions are telling you and how to respond. Most of the time, your gut is correct. Too often we meet parents who knew their child needed a helping hand with their communication skills quite early on but were told “wait and  see” OR “they’ll grow out of it” or “cousin Ben didn’t talk until he was 4 and now he’s fine” – go with your gut, you got this.
