Hey! I’m Jordan, mum to three precious girls. Bodhi is 6, Brixie is 3 and Blaize is 20 months. My husband is Brandon and we moved to Botany a couple years ago, prior to this we lived in Matraville. I work as a primary teacher and have my own little business called Blossom’s Play. Blossom’s Play is a sensory play business where I provide pop-up events for parents and carers to bring their little ones to, to get messy and not have to worry about the clean-up. I also provide sensory parties, incursions and events. I’d love to eventually provide a weekly playgroup. We also own our family run plumbing business ‘Brandon Totten Plumbing’ and my husband is great at what he does and absolutely loves it! When we aren’t crazy at work, we love spending time with family and friends and going to the beach, park or anywhere outdoors really. We have also just started going camping over the past year and we all love it, it’s always so wholesome!


Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east?

I grew up in Matraville and my husband grew up in Botany, so our whole lives 🙂


Three words that describe what it’s like to live in the eastern suburbs?

Family-friendly, chaotic, beautiful.  


How many children?

Three girls and I absolutely love it! The teenage years might be different, hehe.


Favourite Park?

Sir Joseph Banks Park in Botany! It’s walking distance from us and they have recently upgraded the playground which our girls love!

Favourite Beach? 

That’s a hard one, we are lucky to have so many beautiful local beaches! Growing up my favourite beach was Maroubra, but since having kids, I’d say it’s probably Yarra Bay, very child-friendly.


Favourite kids friendly cafe?

I feel we need more of these! My favourite would have to be Cosi Nero in Botany. Yummy food with a play area out the back.


Favourite Coffee Spot?

Hubby and I actually aren’t coffee drinkers! But we love going to brekky at Mahon Pool Cafe and Mascot Corner Cafe.


Favourite date night place?

The Boatshed in Lapa is beautiful for an early dinner watching the sunset.


Where in the east have you yet to explore and would like to go?

I’ve heard Double Bay have beautiful restaurants and boutique stores, I’d love to explore that area a bit more.

What would you like to see improve in the eastern suburbs?

Buses from Botany, it’s honestly so hard to get anywhere by public transport from Botany without having to change multiple times.


Favourite Local Shop?

San Sebastián in Coogee, love their variety.

Favourite wet weather location?

Archie Brothers in Alexandria, lots of fun for the kids! That’s if we aren’t curled up in the lounge room watching a movie.


Favourite Local family Weekend Activity?

It’s rare that we don’t have a sport or party or event on each weekend but when we get a chance, we love going to Sir Joseph Banks Park for a bike ride and play or Botany Pools for a dip.


Work or SAHM?

As much as I’d love to be a SAHM, I work. I enjoy teaching, I find it really rewarding! Blossom’s play is all very new, so it seems more exciting than ‘work’ at the moment! I’d love for you to follow along at www.instagram.com/blossoms.play🙂


Motherly advice?

Trust your instinct, ask for help when you need it and look after yourself too mama!