Jennifer Dunn

Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east:

We live in Clovelly, a short walk from the beach. Almost a year ago now we moved here from the Inner West.

How many children:

One very active and happy little man named Toby. He is nearly 13 months old.

Favourite Park:

We love Burnie Park on Arden Street in Clovelly. It has a long slide and a flying fox that Toby enjoys going on with his Dad. We also like to kick the soccer ball on the grass.

Favourite Beach:

Clovelly beach. It is child friendly (nice, calm water) and beautiful. Toby loves to splash around in the shallows and play with his bucket and spade. We have enjoyed getting to know the local children at the beach and chatting to other parents. I still walk down to the beach and take a big breath of fresh sea air and feel incredibly grateful to have such a picturesque beach so close to our door step.

Favourite kid friendly cafe:

We have found the Coogee Pavilion to be a great place to meet friends now we have an active toddler. We hang out at the back in the children’s area. Toby plays with the blocks and the other kids and we have a few drinks with friends while watching him.

The Clovelly Hotel is also a good place for us to enjoy some food and drinks while Toby cruises around. The staff are very welcoming of families with children.

Favourite Coffee Spot:

My partner and I like the Coffee at Gordons. I also get a fresh veggie juice (beetroot, carrot and orange) from the Clovelly Social Club. Toby loves sipping it too!

Favourite date night place:

Three Blue Ducks in Bronte. This was the first restaurant we went out to dinner at after Toby was born. The food is fresh and delicious and the atmosphere relaxing and welcoming.

Favourite Local Day Out Activity:

We love having a picnic together in Centennial Park. We bring some nibbles and ciders and enjoy lying on the grass in the shade while Toby plays.

Favourite Local Shop:

We love getting fish, chips and salad from Out of the Blue in Clovelly. The food is always fresh and delicious.

Favourite wet weather location:

To be honest when it is wet outside Toby and I usually hang out at home! I take the time to have a slow day with him and usually take a nap when he does.

Describe an ideal day in Sydney’s eastern suburbs for you?

I treasure my Saturday mornings. I usually get up and go to a yoga class. Then Toby and my partner and I all go to Randwick farmers markets. We buy organic vegetables for the week. The rest of the day is usually spent at the beach and seeing friends!

What area of the east have you yet to explore much but would like to?

We are yet to explore beaches further south than Maroubra. We would love to do this soon.

Work or SAHM:

I am a primary school teacher and yoga teacher. At the moment, I run a fun and interactive mums and bubs yoga class at the Clovelly Hotel once a week.


Motherly advice:

1. Look after YOU first. As new mothers, we are constantly giving, giving, giving and often neglect to look after ourselves. It is challenging to be a present, calm mother when we are tired and not getting any time to ourselves. The nurturer must be nurtured first.

2. Ask yourself, what really helps you to feel relaxed, happy and recharged? Try and do that thing at least 3 times a week. For example, I often nap when Toby naps (even now, when he is 12 months old!) or I leave the house work, lay on the couch and read a book. This isn’t laziness- it’s essential ME time so I can remain sane and continue being a good mother. I also make sure my partner puts my yoga classes in his work calendar so he ensures he is home to mind Toby. He has seen what happens (poor guy) when I don’t get time out so he prioritises this too.

3. A wonderful way to ensure you have the time to look after yourself is to learn to ask for help. I learnt to be vulnerable and ask for assistance with my son when I needed time out. When Toby was three months old my partner and I found a local babysitter (from and we started going out for dinners again. We now have a great relationship with a local babysitter that we trust.

I also call friends and family and ask them to look after Toby from time to time while I do the groceries, go to the Doctor, exercise, or even just get a massage! When I return I feel fresh and ready to start again. I have also learnt that Toby enjoys a break from me too! The friends and family I ask have all LOVED feeling needed and useful and it has not only improved their relationship with Toby but also taught him how to be comfortable with others.

I believe it is a big reason as to why he is growing into a secure, social little guy.

I am also opening the doors and encouraging friends and family to ask me for help too.

Bringing up kids is hard and doing it with support is essential!

Mums and Bubs Yoga Classes

For more info and how to book Jen’s Mums and Bubs Yoga classes at Clovelly Hotel 

Starting in May 2017 –  4 classes for $60. The sessions focus on rebuilding strength, finding stillness and involving the baby with songs and postures.

It’s always a great thing to do with a mums group and a fabulous way to slowly start being active again after giving birth. or email to book your place or any queries you may have.
