Heidi Young

Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east:

I met my partner here in 2006 in Coogee (he’s British too!) and we moved home for a few years, then we returned in 2012 and had our two boys.

Three words to describe living in the eastern suburbs?

Exciting ,Vibrant ,Child-friendly

How many children:

We have two boys, Dylan & Mason

Favourite Park:

Queens Park, it’s big and has a fence!

Favourite Beach:

Little Bay is our favourite at the moment!


Favourite kid friendly cafe:

Beach House, Maroubra Beach

Favourite Coffee Spot:

Barzura, Coogee Beach

Favourite date night place:

The Spot! A cheeky Thai at Blue Monkey, followed by a film at the Ritz cinema followed by a cocktail on their balcony.

Favourite Local Day Out Activity:

Clovelly beach, Camp Cove or Parsley Bay because my kids are crazy around water and there are no waves! We would take a picnic, inflatables and a ball too.

Favourite Local Shop:

By San Sebastian on Coogee Bay Road. Great kids stuff too!

Favourite wet weather location:

A 10am kids special cinema trip at an Event cinema (as far away from any soft play centre as humanly possible!)

Describe an ideal day in Sydney’s eastern suburbs just for you?

I’d go to the gym first thing, then have a shower on my own with the door shut, put my make up on & straighten my hair in peace!

Then I would go for breakfast at Barzura in Coogee.

I would then go up the Belmore Road and have a mani/pedi and shellac!

I’d then go on to the city and see a some kind of exhibition, there’s a real human body one on at the moment which I would love to see, I am a gruesome nurse after all!

Then I would go for a dip at Camp Cove before having dinner back at The Spot & Pudding in Kurtosh.

What area of the east have you yet to explore much but would like to?

I’ve never spent much time around Point Piper or Rose Bay, so would love to explore around there a bit more.

Work or Stay at home parent?

Work! I think I have a good balance…. I work 2 days a week at Sydney Children’s Hospital as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Allergy Department, but I also have my own business called the Nest, Kids CPR & Allergy where I teach parents Child CPR, First Aid & Allergy Management & Prevention in the comfort of their home in a 3 hr class. I do specialised allergy classes too.

Motherly advice?

Make sure you make time for you.

I am a better mother because I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and make good use of the creche. I am not ashamed to say sometimes I don’t break a sweat, but I do have a hot choc in the foyer and use the free wifi!

I also make sure my kids go to bed at 7pm. I don’t care if they go to sleep or not at that time, but I NEED me time at the end of the day, otherwise I get super cranky.

Make time for you, join a gym if you have to, and DO NOT feel guilty about it!

For more info on how to book a class

10% off for ESM booking, the code is ESM10OFF go to – https://bookeo.com/thenestcpr?promotion=ESM10OFF

