Woollahra Council is hosting a free, inclusive afternoon of play, art and games with a difference on November 30.
The Let’s Get Creative event is designed to lead up to International Day of People with a Disability on December 3, and is timed to coincide with the launch of local disability services provider Inala’s exhibition at the Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf.
Whether you or your children have a disability or not, it’ll be a great evening for the whole family, with proceedings kicking off at 4pm with a collage workshop hosted by deaf artist Sue Jo Wright. She’ll run another workshop at 5pm, and there’s also be a chance to check out the inspiring visually impaired painter Luke Abdallah creating a huge canvas.
On top of that there’ll be plenty of entertainment, games, and free food and drink provided by the Council. You can also take the opportunity to see the Inala exhibition – After the Rain. It will be a powerful showcase of works that highlight the resilience and creativity of artists living with disabilities. The whole afternoon will suit kids of all ages and abilities.
And any excuse to come down to beautiful Redleaf Beach and Murray Rose Pool is a good thing in our opinion!
Find all the info and RSVP here: www.eventbrite.com.au