Safely dispose of any unwanted household chemicals found in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, garage or garden shed by taking them to the Chemical CleanOut event.
Dispose of any unwanted, out of date or leftover household chemicals found in your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, garage or garden shed safely by bringing them to the Chemical Clean Out event. This is a FREE service for all residents of NSW where you can drop off:
- Solvents and household cleaners
- Floor care products
- Ammonia based cleaners
- Fluorescent globes and tubes
- Car batteries
- Motor oils, fuels and fluids
- Paint and paint related products
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Poisons
- Gas bottles
- Fire extinguishers
- Pool chemicals
- Hobby chemicals
- Acids and alkalis
Check out our full list of accepted items and useful tips about how to transport and store your chemicals.
When: SAT 13 MAY 2023 9 am – 3.30 pm
- Location: Clovelly Beach Car Park
- Cost: Free
- Website: www.epa.nsw.gov.au/warr/cleanoutguide
- Randwick council contact person: Anil Gupta on 02 9093 6706
This is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. Visit www.epa.nsw.gov.au