Australia’s first subscription dental care system – set to reduce the 50 million toothpaste tubes and 30 million toothbrushes going to landfill each year!

Dental products undoubtedly need a major environmental makeover – from toothpaste tubes made from sheets of plastic laminate and a thin layer of aluminium to toothbrushes made from polypropylene plastic and nylon. These products are all difficult to recycle through conventional methods.

Reshaping dental care in Australia, Dsmile is an exciting new sustainable oral health product on the market. From the outset, the Dsmile kit was specifically designed to reduce, reuse & recycle.

The Dsmile kit contains an ergonomically designed toothbrush, personalised concentrate mouthwash, gentle floss and holder tray, which are 100% vegan, gluten, sugar and SLS free, and will redefine daily dental rituals across the country. The easy 3-step process comes in a beautiful, sustainably packaged box that is delivered straight to your door and replenished every 3 months.


In fact, the product is so well designed that it won the highest honour for design and innovation in the country, with Dsmile being recognised in 2021 with an award in Australia’s International Good Design Awards for Design Excellence, and has been nominated for two Australasian Packaging Innovation & Design Awards in 2022.

Much like other daily processes we have traditionally carried out thoughtlessly and irresponsibly, your daily dental ritual can now too be environmentally friendly.

All Dsmile products are refillable and reusable, by using Dsmile consumers are contributing to less single use plastics, freight volumes and transportation impacts on our environment. Dsmile toothbrush heads alone potentially reduce waste by 70% each year compared to regular supermarket toothbrushes. The mouthwash concentrate makes the equivalent of eight 250ml supermarket mouthwash bottles, creating yet another huge saving in single use plastic bottle waste.

Founder Dr Joseph Badr notes “Our vision is to reduce our industry’s carbon footprint and reliance on single-use items. By lessening waste, we aim to help our industry meet the world’s zero waste targets by 2050.”

With a passion for sustainability and minimising waste, Dsmile engaged Life Cycle Assessment Certified Practitioners and environmental consultants to guide decision making from inception, allowing Dsmile to make informed choices about product materials, ingredients and packaging. “We wanted to ensure our product was crafted using ethically-sourced materials, made of reusable and refillable components with thoughtful, recyclable packaging,” commented Dr Badr.


To add another dimension to Dsmile’s sustainability commitment, the business partners with 100% carbon-neutral couriers because they believe delivering Dsmile kits shouldn’t cost the earth.

On the subscription model, Dsmile costs approximately $130 per year, which is a saving of around $200 compared to similar dental products available from the supermarkets.

It is minty refreshing, not only for your mouth, to see such an overhaul of the daily dental regime but also our environment. If you’re committed to being environmentally kind while fostering better oral health outcomes, Subscribe to Dsmile today and turn your routine into a ritual.

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