It can be tough to find ways to have fun and be environmentally-friendly with kids in the East. But it’s not impossible! Here are a few ideas to get you started. And remember, even small changes can make a big difference. So let’s get started!
One way to have fun and be green is by going on one of many coastal walks that Woolhara, Waverley, Randwick and Bayside Council have upgraded or created over the past few years. Or you can explore your local park or hiking trails, and there’s no need for any special equipment. Just dress appropriately for the weather and enjoy the fresh air.
If you’re looking for something a little more active, why not try bike riding? It’s a great way to get some exercise while spending time with your family. And if you don’t have a bike, no problem! Centennial Park offers rental options. Here are our top six tips for green outdoor activities with the kids in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.
1. Plant a garden together – kids love getting their hands dirty and watching things grow
Sydney is a great place to plant a garden. The climate is perfect for growing a wide variety of flowers, vegetables, and fruits. Plus, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started, including Bunnings Warehouse and Sydney Markets. Planting a garden with your kids is a fun way to teach them about the process of growing food. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time together outdoors.
Sunflowers are one of the easiest flowers to grow, so they’re a great choice for kids. Just make sure to plant them in a sunny spot in your garden. With a little care and attention, you can soon have a beautiful garden that the whole family can enjoy.
2. Make homemade bird feeders or houses from recycled materials
Sydney is home to a wide variety of native bird species, from vibrant lorikeets to majestic cockatoos. One of the best ways to attract these feathered friends to your garden or apartment balcony is to provide them with a food source or shelter. And what could be more sustainable than upcycling some recycled materials into homemade bird feeders or houses? It’s a fun project for the whole family, and you can use whatever materials you have on hand. So gather up those empty plastic bottles, cereal boxes, and egg cartons, and get started on your very own DIY bird haven!
3. Have a picnic in your backyard (or park) using reusable plates, cups, and cutlery
The Eastern Suburbs is home to some of the most beautiful parks in the world. From Neilsen Park all the way down to La Perouse and inland to Surry Hills and, of course, everyone’s favourite shady oasis of Centennial Park, there’s no shortage of places to enjoy a picnic.
And what better way to enjoy the outdoors than by using reusable plates, cups, and cutlery? Not only is it better for the environment, but it can also save you money in the long run. Plus, it’s always nice to eat off of real dishes instead of paper plates! So next time you’re planning a picnic, don’t forget to pack your reusable dishes. Australia (and the planet) will thank you for it.
4. Take a nature walk and look for bugs, flowers, and trees
The Eastern Suburbs has so many beautiful walks to offer, it’s hard to choose just one! If you’re feeling energetic, the Coogee to Bondi walk is a great option. The walk takes you along the cliffs, past some of Sydney’s most popular beaches, and all the way to Watsons Bay. If you’re looking for a more relaxed walk, take the tram into Circular Quay and the Sydney Harbour foreshore is a beautiful spot for an afternoon stroll. You can start at Circular Quay and walk all the way around the harbour, taking in views of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Get your kids to look out for our amazing flora and fauna along the way. The coastal walk from Maroubra has scary signs warning of snakes, which keep most little ones on their toes. But in reality, you’re looking for birds, lizards and the dozens of dogs that go running with their fitness loving owners along the Eastern Beaches walkways.
5. Draw with footpath chalk or play hopscotch on your driveway
Sydney is a great city for kids. There are so many things to do and see, when the weather is good. But if you want to lower your carbon footprint and stay live-and-local, there are still things to do. One of our favourite things to do is to draw with sidewalk chalk on the driveway. We usually make a big picture or maze, and then we have to try and get through it without stepping on any of the lines. It’s really hard, but it’s also really fun.
For those living in apartments, footpath hopscotch is a great idea. It’s easy to chalk up a hopscotch board, and the kids will spend hours trying to get a new high score. You can even have competitions with friends from the neighbouring blocks to see who can get the highest score. The best part is that chalk washes off in the next downpour or with a garden hose.
6. Try a meat-free meal one day per week
If you want to make a more lasting impact on the earth, then reducing the amount of meat we consume, is key. All the Sydney meal delivery services offer vegetarian meals and there are a number of vegetarian delivery services that cater specifically to families with kids.
Even better is to plan your grocery shop for at least one meatless meal per week. But we know it’s hard going vegetarian with kids. The experts say start by making small changes. Try Meatless Mondays, or add an extra vegetable to your kids’ dinner plate.
Also, get your kids involved in the kitchen. Let them help you prepare meals. They’ll be more likely to try new foods if they’ve had a hand in making them. Going vegetarian with kids doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little planning and some creativity, you can make the transition seamlessly.
So now that we’ve seen all the great things there are to do in Sydney without spending a cent, and even in bad weather, it’s time to turn off devices and head outdoors. Eastern Suburbs have some great parks and reserves for kids (and adults) of all ages, so get your walking shoes on and explore what’s waiting for you. And if you need some more convincing that the environment is worth saving, check out our post about how climate change is already affecting Australia. Have fun and be active this weekend – see you outdoors!