Randwick City Council has commenced initial design investigations into refurbishing the existing amenities building at Burrows Park in Clovelly.

The existing amenities building is old and does not meet current building standards nor is it adequately meeting the needs of the junior sporting teams who use the park.

The project is at a very early stage with no design brief or project scope yet confirmed.

As part of early investigations, Council staff have met with a number of representatives from the junior sporting clubs that currently use the park to better understand their needs.

These early conversations will help Council better understand the challenges of the site and to develop a brief for design work and community consultation.

Some of the early feedback from the clubs is that due to the sub-standard size of the field, children aged 13 years and older cannot play rugby league on the field and have to play home games elsewhere.

As part of the design brief we are investigating the potential of providing a standard and compliant NRL-sized field so that children playing for local clubs can continue playing home games at Burrows Park.

Randwick City Council has commenced initial design investigations into refurbishing the existing amenities building at Burrows Park in Clovelly.

The existing amenities building is old and does not meet current building standards nor is it adequately meeting the needs of the junior sporting teams who use the park.

The project is at a very early stage with no design brief or project scope yet confirmed.

As part of early investigations, Council staff have met with a number of representatives from the junior sporting clubs that currently use the park to better understand their needs.

These early conversations will help Council better understand the challenges of the site and to develop a brief for design work and community consultation.

Some of the early feedback from the clubs is that due to the sub-standard size of the field, children aged 13 years and older cannot play rugby league on the field and have to play home games elsewhere.

As part of the design brief we are investigating the potential of providing a standard and compliant NRL-sized field so that children playing for local clubs can continue playing home games at Burrows Park.

Burrows Park FAQs

We’ve been getting a few questions from the community about the project and have put together this quick Q&A to help respond.

Why is Council upgrading Burrows Park?

Burrows Park is a sports field with an associated amenities building. The building is old and non-compliant with current building codes. Council has allocated money to investigate upgrading the building to better meet the needs of local juniors who play on the field.

Are the Sydney Roosters involved in the project?


Will professional NRL games be played at Burrows Park?


Why is Council making the field ‘international’ compliant?

The word ‘international’ is an NRL term for a full-size field. It does not refer to professional or senior players. Burrows Park is currently smaller than NRL standard size. This means that children aged over 13-years cannot continue to play rugby league matches and have to play their home games elsewhere at other local ‘international’ compliant fields. Council is investigating the potential to make the ground bigger to accommodate junior games for over 13s to support our local junior teams. Investigations will be further completed to either include or exclude this from the project scope.

Will Council consult with residents about the project?

Yes, residents will be consulted once a scope and concept has been developed. This will likely be in 2023.

Will the current junior teams still be able to play on the field?

Yes, there is no plan to change any of the incumbent clubs currently using the field.

How can I find out more?

Interested residents are encouraged to register on Council’s Your Say Randwick website. Once the consultation commences, all subscribers will be notified and invited to participate.

Burrows Park FAQs

We’ve been getting a few questions from the community about the project and have put together this quick Q&A to help respond.

Why is Council upgrading Burrows Park?

Burrows Park is a sports field with an associated amenities building. The building is old and non-compliant with current building codes. Council has allocated money to investigate upgrading the building to better meet the needs of local juniors who play on the field.

Are the Sydney Roosters involved in the project?


Will professional NRL games be played at Burrows Park?


Why is Council making the field ‘international’ compliant?

The word ‘international’ is an NRL term for a full-size field. It does not refer to professional or senior players. Burrows Park is currently smaller than NRL standard size. This means that children aged over 13-years cannot continue to play rugby league matches and have to play their home games elsewhere at other local ‘international’ compliant fields. Council is investigating the potential to make the ground bigger to accommodate junior games for over 13s to support our local junior teams. Investigations will be further completed to either include or exclude this from the project scope.

Will Council consult with residents about the project?

Yes, residents will be consulted once a scope and concept has been developed. This will likely be in 2023.

Will the current junior teams still be able to play on the field?

Yes, there is no plan to change any of the incumbent clubs currently using the field.

How can I find out more?

Interested residents are encouraged to register on Council’s Your Say Randwick website. Once the consultation commences, all subscribers will be notified and invited to participate.