At Combine Air, we are not your typical fitness business. Our model strives on making statements, getting out of bed and getting what we are worth. We are driven to deliver world-class training with a meaningful and positive impact on everyone that engages with CA.


Combine Air’s mission is to make simulated altitude the training environment of choice for athletes 

and health & fitness enthusiasts worldwide, whilst making the Combine Air brand synonymous with simulated altitude training. 


Combine Air Recovery offers world-class, state of the art facilities to help you recover faster, so you can train harder. Choose from our infrared saunas, ice baths, compression therapy and salt room therapy!

So Why Make the Switch to Combine Air?

Combine Air is a high altitude training phenomenon that unlocks the science that elite athletes have been using for over 50 years to gain a competitive advantage – delivering it to the mainstream market as the ultimate fun, engaging and diverse health & fitness service. 

CA offers Squad Based Training, Personal Coaching and Solo Hire Zones all in an arena that is 3500m above sea level. What does that mean for you? When you train at CA you benefit from physiological adaptations; 

More Effective Than Anywhere Else at Sea Level

Combining the world’s most elite training technology with training programs of purpose creating fitness benefits that have been preserved for the elite for over 50 years.

Burn More Calories Every Session

You’ll instantly engage your stored body fat to be utilised for fuel burning more calories than any other form of sea level training! You’ll feel less hungry as the CA x Arena increases your body’s leptin levels reducing your food cravings! 

Extended Afterburn On & Off Our Fields

You’ll increase your utilisation of carbohydrates creating a higher thermal rate stabilising blood sugar levels whilst burning fuel right through to the next day. You’ll even boost your metabolic rate, meaning you’ll burn fuel, quicker & easier! 

Build Greater Lean Muscle & Strength

Every session in the CA x Arena, you’ll build more lean muscle fibres than training anywhere at sea level. 

Ready to make the switch and start training at CA? Learn more.