

Kids, Parenting

What is the Australian School Curriculum? A Guide For Parents

As a parent, giving your child the best education possible is one of the most important actions you can do for their future. But something most parents don’t focus on is understanding the curriculum. The Australian curriculum consists of the framework all schools follow nationally and is governed by guidelines applicable to every student. Let’s look at what makes up the curriculum for Australian students in this post. The Australian Curriculum The Australian Curriculum outlines the core knowledge and skills students should learn in primary and secondary education. It was developed through a combination of teachers and education authorities to…

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Business & Career, Kids

HSC Help: manage ChatGPT and other online AI tools

Waverley Library is hosting an event that can help children successfully manage ChatGPT and other online AI tools. Join educator and lecturer Mohan Dhall and learn how to manage ChatGPT and other online AI tools. ChatGPT is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning system, that can generate complete responses to homework questions, assessments and essay topics with just a prompt or question typed into it. What ChatGPT used for? ‘ChatGPT is a language model capable of a multitude of tasks including answering questions, compiling lists, generating paragraphs of text and writing computer codes across multiple computing languages’….

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Inspiration, Kids

Homework Help: How Parents Can Support Their Child’s Academic Success

Parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding tasks you can do. Sure, there are tantrums and tears in the early years, but the cuteness factor makes up for it. As they age, you see them develop into unique people with their ideas, values, beliefs and preferences. It’s a magical experience that is not matched by anything else in the world.  And as your kid enters high school, the academic demands increase. Depending on their school, they could have several hours of homework weekly. And what if you want to help them with their homework but are unsure of…

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