
eastern suburbs

Kids, School holidays, What to do

5 Eastern Suburbs Pools your kids will love

The eastern suburbs is blessed with amazing harbour and coastal beaches but sometimes the beaches are too crowded, too rough and you are over sand. We’ve put together a list of our 5 picks for the best aquatic centres in the East if you feel like a day out with the kids this summer. 1. Botany Aquatic Centre – Botany One of the east’s most iconic pools, set in the quiet back streets of Botany this “Olympic” pool centre once famous for its water slides offers families a really great experience. There are three pools – 50 m large Olympic…

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Kids, School holidays, Sports

Here’s where kids can play cricket in the Eastern Suburbs

If you’re wondering where to get your child started on cricket in 2025 , look no further! Cricket NSW is bringing a variety of tailored Woolworths Cricket Blast programs to Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs.  The following cricket clubs will be starting Cricket Blast programs for children aged 5-10 years in January & February, with other programs to follow later in the year:  Sydney Coastal Cricket Club at Heffron Park South Sydney Mount Carmel Junior Cricket Club at Booralee Park Randwick Junior Cricket Club at Coogee Oval  Eastern Suburbs Junior Cricket Club at Waverley Oval All of these programs will run through…

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Kids Sports, School holidays, Sports

Here’s where kids can play cricket in the Eastern Suburbs

If you’re wondering where to get your child started on cricket this October, look no further! Cricket NSW is bringing a variety of tailored Woolworths Cricket Blast programs to Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. The following cricket clubs will be starting Cricket Blast programs for children aged 5-10 years in October, with other programs to follow later in the year: · Sydney Coastal Cricket Club at Heffron Park · South Sydney Mount Carmel Junior Cricket Club at Booralee Park · Randwick Junior Cricket Club at Coogee Oval · Eastern Suburbs Junior Cricket Club at Waverley Oval All of these programs will run…

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Free, Parks & Playgrounds

8 Popular Playgrounds with Fences in the Eastern Suburbs

If you’ve got kids that have not only learned to walk but have taken it upon themselves to run everywhere they go and take pride in running away from you then you’re going to love this compilation of fenced playgrounds in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. 1. Malabar Park Highly recommended by Eastern Suburbs mums this beach-side playground is a large and beautiful spot. With plenty of parking on the street or along the beach and a couple of cafes across the road this is an ideal spot for play dates. 2. Maroubra Beach Playground While it might be hard to get…

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Health & Wellbeing

R U OK? in your community

A conversation could change a life. Got a feeling that someone you know or care about isn’t behaving as they normally would? Perhaps they seem out of sorts? More agitated or withdrawn? Or they’re just not themselves. Trust that gut instinct and act on it. Learn more about the signs and when it’s time to ask R U OK? here. By starting a conversation and commenting on the changes you’ve noticed, you could help that family member, friend or workmate open up. If they say they are not OK, you can follow our conversation steps to show them they’re supported…

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For Mums, Kids

Tutoring Children to Navigate Test Anxiety and Empowering Their Academic Journey.

Test anxiety can be a significant obstacle for children on their academic journey. As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to help your child overcome this challenge and succeed in their exams. Here are some essential strategies to help your child manage test anxiety effectively: 1. Identify the root cause:  Understanding what triggers your child’s anxiety is essential. By recognising the underlying causes, you can provide tailored support to address those concerns directly. 2. Embrace preparation:  Encourage your child to begin preparing well before the exam. A last-minute cram session can exacerbate anxiety. Instead, suggest crafting a study…

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Events, Inspiration, What to do

Festival of the Winds 2023 v2

Come along and help us celebrate one of Sydney’s most colourful festivals Who would have known back in 1978, when a group of wind energy champions decided to run a kite festival on Bondi Beach, that the Festival of the Winds would be born and end up as one of the biggest and most loved kites flying festivals in the world! In 1978, Glebe local and Sydney University student, John Silk’s interest in wind energy led to his fascination and love of kite making and flying. John, along with several of his friends, decided that it would be great to…

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Events, Inspiration, What to do

Festival of the Winds 2023

Come along and help us celebrate one of Sydney’s most colourful festivals Who would have known back in 1978, when a group of wind energy champions decided to run a kite festival on Bondi Beach, that the Festival of the Winds would be born and end up as one of the biggest and most loved kites flying festivals in the world! In 1978, Glebe local and Sydney University student, John Silk’s interest in wind energy led to his fascination and love of kite making and flying. John, along with several of his friends, decided that it would be great to…

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Cambridge Markets’ Family Friendly Winter Market is back for 2023!

The Ultimate Winter Market EQ is BACK! This family friendly event will be held on Sunday August 6th at the Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park, from 10am-3pm. Featuring more than 100+ stalls bringing fashion, art, craft, homewares, kids’ goods, candles, gifts, food and more to this brilliant location. There will also be a bounty delicious global food to suit all tastes, live music, and plenty of activities for kids. Like all Cambridge Market’s other markets, this will be carefully curated to bring the best of NSW small businesses to this huge event. At the Ultimate Easter Market EQ, find all natural…

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Food, Health & Wellbeing

5 Health Benefits of Taking a Break from Alcohol

It’s no secret taking a break from alcohol is good for you, but what happens to your body when you stop drinking alcohol? Here we explore the top 5 health benefits of changing your drinking habits, whether taking a break or giving up alcohol for good. Better Sleep Your body’s physiological balance is fundamentally maintained by the sleep-wake cycle. When we add a few alcoholic drinks to our system, the body absorbs the alcohol into our bloodstream. The enzymes in our liver get to work and start to metabolise the alcohol, but it takes time… We have all been there….

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