Tours and play for carers with children from 0 to 18 months.

Join our carers and babies tour through new exhibitions. Enjoy delicious refreshments from Ripples café, adult-friendly conversations in the exhibition and baby play time in a sensory space. Strollers, front packs, baby-slings and breastfeeding welcome.

Upcoming tours:

Monday 21 and 28 November, 10:30 am or 12:30 pm
Tour: Mariw Minaral (Spiritual Patterns)
Play: Under the Sea theme

Monday 12 December, 10:30 am or 12:30 pm
Tour:Wildlife Photography
Play:Sensory Jungle

Friday 27 January, 10:30 am or 12:30 pm
Tour: Summer Highlights
Play: Colour and Shape theme

Monday 20 and 27 February, 10:30 am or 12:30 pm
Tour: Brickwrecks
Play: Under the Sea theme

Can’t make a session? You can now book a Stroller Tour on demand for your group!

Cost: $230 per group (maximum 10 adults per group)

Includes: morning / afternoon tea refreshments and exhibition entry

Make an enquiry for your preferred date:

TO BOOK WITH YOUR DISCOVER VOUCHER contact our Bookings Officer on 9298 3655 or