Working from home has seen a major uptick in the last few years for a lot of different reasons. With digital technologies opening up many opportunities for remote work, developing a home office space that supports your 9-to-5 is becoming an invaluable resource.
Whether you’re looking to transition from a fully in-house work schedule to a hybrid work arrangement, are on the hunt for remote work, or are seeking to run your own business from home, having a dedicated workspace that’s comfortable, free from distractions, and equipped with everything you’ll need to plug away at your work is imperative for your success. And with the sheer abundance of home office equipment and technologies available nowadays, there is no better time than now to create the home office of your dreams.
But how do you create a home office space that caters to your specific needs? That’s exactly what we’ll be exploring today. Read on to unearth all of our practical tips for creating a tailored home office space.
Get yourself covered
Creating a comprehensive home office setup will naturally see you procuring a lot of expensive tech and gear. That’s why it’s vital to make sure that your home and contents insurance policy is just as comprehensive and provides cover for these new technological assets. Be sure to amend your contents insurance policy so that all your new tech investments are included. That way, you won’t have to worry about the financial aspects of having to replace any of your work devices or other tech or equipment in the event of theft, damage, or other insured events.
Keep in mind, however, that if you’re setting up a home office to run your own business rather than work remotely for an employer, you may need to secure home business insurance rather than amend your home and contents insurance policy. You can consult with your insurance provider if more information is required.
Express yourself alongside equipping yourself
Even though your home office is still primarily a place of work, you should be able to bring some personality to this space – and quite a bit of it at that rate. Injecting the room with a little bit of personalised design will help you feel more comfortable during your workday, which can in turn positively impact your productivity. Adding a few houseplants to your office space is always a great option. You should also consider adding functional design elements like a rug to keep your feet warm and cosy, and some wall art to help provide you with a little visual stimulation and soft inspiration in between tasks.
You can even express yourself through the selection of your office’s more functional elements. For example, the selection and configuration of your computer monitors, keyboard, mouse, mousepad and other work necessities can all be reflective of you and your personal style. Let yourself make this workspace your very own! Trust us, being comfortable in your workspace can make your workday go by a lot smoother and perhaps even a lot faster too.
Splurge where it counts
There’s no denying that home office furniture and equipment can get a little bit pricey. But whilst you may feel hesitant to spend big on something that you could feasibly get at a lower price point, there is certainly a big difference between working on a full HD monitor and working on a 4K monitor – especially if you work in design and could benefit from working with a higher resolution.
In other words, it certainly cannot hurt to splurge where it counts the most. And you should trust yourself to spend a little extra on equipment or furniture items that you’ll be using every single day. For example, it’s always worthwhile investing in a good desk chair, and perhaps even a standing desk to help keep your blood flowing, or an ergonomic mouse for combating carpal tunnel. By investing in the ergonomic qualities of your home office setup, you can help keep yourself in good health and as productive as possible throughout present and future workdays.
Get into a routine
Keeping your home office separate from the rest of your home can be a great way of compartmentalising work life from your personal life. The last thing anybody wants is to feel like they’re at the office when they’re walking around their living room.
That’s why it’s important to set up your home office space so that it feels like a formal work zone rather than just another room in your house. There are a slew of actions we can take to gear our subconscious minds into stepping into a zone of work, as opposed to all the places of play or rest that are found throughout your wider home. For instance, keeping your home office door closed outside of work hours can allow you to physically step out of ‘work’ and into your home.
If you need to use your home office space as a personal study, then there are routines that you can put into place which signify the beginning and end of your formal workday. For example, you could consider beginning your workday with a to-do list written inside of a physical journal or by unpacking everything you need to begin work at the start of the day, and concluding the workday by packing it all away again.
Having it be part of your routine to get rid of clutter may be the best method to also clear your mind after a long day of working. Then as a bonus, your future-self will also have you to thank for coming into a clean desk in the morning, ready for another productive day!
Let there be light
Truth be told, the location and orientation of your home office can be nearly as important as how it is furnished and used. Don’t fall into the trap of setting up in the basement because it’s the most underutilised space that you have in your home. Your home office needs to be a place that you’re going to want to spend a lot of time in, otherwise it’ll be difficult to get down to it and concentrate on your work each day. And nobody wants to spend 8 hours a day in a dark and gloomy, windowless basement.
Picking or creating a space with plentiful natural light is a tremendously useful way of making your home office feel like a positive place to be. Rest assured, incorporating more natural light into your home office provides plenty of benefits and although they may not be noticeable in the short term, they will definitely become apparent with time.
Making the home office of your dreams will always be a process that’s totally unique to you. While the practical tips we’ve provided above will get you to the starting line, the rest of this office development process is entirely up to you. How will your home office be different and uniquely yours? What methods will you utilise to get you in the zone to work efficiently? Get to work curating a picture-perfect home office space now to find the answers to these questions for yourself along the way.