Clovelly’s Bundock Park playground to be re-opened

Local families are invited to join a small celebration to mark the opening of a newly built children’s playground at Bundock Park, located alongside Clovelly Beach, on Wednesday 1 December, starting at 3.30pm. The event will include free gelato, entertainment and Council giveaways.

The new playground, which has equipment appropriate for children of all abilities, was designed following consultation with the community. Located just south of the previous playground, new equipment includes a basket swing for all ages and abilities, a wooden boat with sensory play items, climbing equipment, toddler play station, seating and shade.

“Active play in playgrounds is a great way for kids to learn coordination, strength, motor skills and find out what they are physically capable of,” says Deputy Mayor Lindsay Shurey. “These spaces are great ways to encourage our children to be healthy and have fun outdoors. It’s always a delight to see these being enjoyed by local families and kids of all ages and abilities.”

Construction of the playground was completed in early November. Erosion caused by storm damage earlier in the year was also repaired.

The new playground received a grant of $175,000 towards the total cost, from the NSW Government’s My Community Project program, which was applied for by resident Skye Heller.

Bundock Park playground re-opening

Where: Bundock Park, Eastbourne Avenue, Clovelly

When: 3:30pm Wednesday 1 December 2021

Please note this is a COVID safe event. All attendees over 16yo must be double vaccinated and required to check-in.

More information on this event: