Mum of three redefines home based childcare

We all know how challenging fitting in the routine of childcare pick-up and drop-off can be when trying to fit it in with a busy work schedule and maintaining things around the home.

Late last year Andrea found herself with three children under three and faced the realisation that the already stressful pick-up and drop-off routine was about to get even more challenging. Andrea felt that her youngest, Marielle, was still too little for formal childcare. This left Andrea and her husband facing a scenario involving drop-off and pick-up at three different locations, delivering three different modes of care.

Like many working parents, Andrea had experienced different forms of childcare when seeking the best outcomes for her daughters. Through her experiences with nannies, family daycare, and long daycare, Andrea identified an unmet need in the childcare sector. She created Leor In Home Early Learning to deliver a high quality home-based childcare alternative for busy families.

“The Leor model of in-home early learning is the first of its kind and is based upon the philosophy that high quality early childhood education has a direct impact upon a child’s cognitive, emotional and social development,” says Andrea Christie-David, Founder and Managing Director. She is passionate about women’s engagement in the workforce and therefore the Leor model supports families who want to work part time or flexibly and would rather not commit to full days of childcare.

The Leor model is supported by a large body of research which found that childcare delivered in a family home environment lead to a reduction in stress for children, particularly those under the age of three. Research also found that small group learning environments deliver better learning, cognitive and behavioural outcomes for children, particularly for children under the age of three.

Leor’s Educators deliver curriculum-based early learning programs, which means that Educators are able to get to know each child and tailor the program to each child’s needs. When divided by three children, Leor’s fees are comparable to most childcare centre rates around inner Sydney.

The Leor model also allows families to come together and form a family co-op to ensure that they are able to access this innovative service at a competitive price.

When asked about the interest Leor has received so far, Andrea said “The educators I have met are all so excited and passionate about the model. They love the small group learning environment, and the fact that they will be able to build individual relationships with children and their families. Parents have been keen to get a Leor Educator on board to assist with school readiness, learning and development issues, or for the convenience of having their children cared for in their own home by someone who is qualified and experienced.”

There is no waitlist fee for applying to Leor, families can apply directly through the Leor website, or give them a call on 02 9051 0511.