Where and how long have you lived in Sydney’s east:

We have lived in Watson’s Bay for the last 13 years.

How many children:

Three children (18, 15 and 12 years)


Favourite Park:

Christison Park, Vaucluse – we have 3 dogs so it’s dog friendly with an off leash area and it’s a beautiful walk along the coastline.

Favourite Beach:

Gibson’s Beach, Vaucluse, I can walk there within a minute and I only need to take a towel so no schlepping beach bags!

Favourite kid friendly cafe:

My kids are old enough now to not worry about cafes being child-friendly but that wasn’t always the case. When our youngest was a toddler he had quite severe behavioural issues so we avoided cafes where possible as it was very stressful – screaming, tantrums, throwing things – and the looks from other diners!! We used to get takeaway coffees and head to a park.

Favourite Coffee Spot:

Any of our Grumpy Baker cafes of course! Love an Almond Latte.

Favourite date night place:

Bistro Moncur at Woollahra for great food and service. Love their Steak Frittes with Cafe de Paris Butter.

(Problem now is when we say we’re heading there all 3 kids want to join us!)

Favourite Local Day Out Activity:

On a friend’s boat on the harbour, stopping at Fish Markets for lunch.

Favourite Local Shop:

Tuchuzy in Bondi for cool sneakers, jewellery, local and overseas labels and gifts.

Favourite wet weather location:

Can’t beat a foreign film at Chauvel Cinema, Paddington

Describe an ideal day in Sydney’s eastern suburbs for you?

Breakfast/brunch out with the family, followed by a dog walk and stroll through Bondi or Paddo markets

What area of the east have you yet to explore much but would like to?

Area I have yet to explore more is Maroubra/Malabar coastline – lovely walks and beaches.

Work or SAHM:

Work part time from home, I am the Co-Founder of  The Grumpy Baker and Eden Farm Escape by Eden Equine (with my husband, Michael)

Motherly advice :

Don’t sweat the small stuff. When are children are young we are fraught with anxiety over so many things – sleeping and eating habits, keeping up with milestones, reading levels, do they need braces, have they got enough friends….

The reality is as they grow and develop into young adults, as long as they are happy, caring and well- mannered individuals, you’ve done well! Let them learn to be resilient, bounce back from disappointment and above all HAVE FUN with your kids.

I remember years ago on a rainy day being in the playground at Centennial Park – my three were the only ones splashing around on play equipment soaked and muddy as other parents looked on in horror.
