
AA Tutors
Business Name
Short description
A personalised education experience.

Matching the perfect tutor to students from Kindergarten to Year 12!
Business Category
Phone number
1300 184 829
Suite 305, Level 3/376 New South Head Rd
Google Map

Set For School
Business Name
Short description
School Readiness program for 3-6 year olds held in our beautiful Studio on Brontë Road, Queens Park
Business Category
Phone number
0423 550 452
Bronte Road, Queens Park, NSW, Australia, New South Wales
Google Map

Art of Smart K-12 Tutoring & Mentoring
Short description
Art of Smart Education is an award-winning provider of small group and 1 on 1 tutoring and mentoring for students in K-12.
Business Category
Phone number
1300 267 888
Australia Square, Suite 65, Level 33/264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
Google Map

Brainwave, the Study Specialists
Short description
Study Coaching, Exam Preparation, High School Preparation, Individualised Diverse Learning Support
Business Category
Phone number
+61 435847151
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Discover Learning Australia
Short description
Discover Learning Australia is a School Readiness, Primary and High School Education and Tutoring Centre, conveniently located in Bondi Junction. All our tutors are fully qualified teachers with a bachelor's degree as a minimum and we provide a personalised targeted 1 on 1 and small group lesson service specialising in all areas of teaching. From those students struggling or falling behind right up to those looking to excel. We also prepare students for entrance and scholarship exams as well as Naplan. Our teaching approach is very interactive and games based with no screen time or worksheets. As such our students love attending.
Business Category
Phone number
0420 602 430
Suite 30, level 3 332 332-342 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Google Map