Hello and welcome to First Notes Music. Presumably, you’re here because you’re interested in music classes for your youngster, or you heard about Music Enrichment and want to know more! I’m here to shed some light on both, and help your child build a healthy and happy relationship with music.
I decided to start this blog to help share ideas, information and tips to parents who might be interested in getting their child involved in a music class, or to learn how music can benefit their growth and development.
First Notes Music was founded in 2019 after I started working in Early Learning and Development, teaching at a private school in Bondi, Sydney. I had quit my full-time job in Television because I was not fulfilled – as a creative, I needed something more. It was a big change, but it was one of the best changes.
I’ve always had an affinity for connecting and sharing with other people. I’ve also always naturally connected with children; it just never crossed my mind to pair the two. I now feel so fortunate I’m able to share something I love with so many intelligent, curious and fun young souls.
Previously I have taught piano to children aged 7+, up adults, but as all parents know… toddlers are a whole new ball game! I now teach from 10 months to 5 years old – and every year is SO different. As adults, we don’t think twice about clapping and stomping at the same time – add in a beat, for kids, this can be a difficult challenge.
My method as a teacher is not to baby them (especially my 3 – 5 years old), although yes, some of them are babies. What I’ve learnt in my time is not to underestimate these young minds; they’re intelligent, hilarious and will accept a challenge! I have produced a showcase with 120 children aged 4-5 singing;
- – A Whole New World (Aladdin)
- – You’ve Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story)
- – Do-Re-Mi (The Sound of Music)
By no means are these ‘baby’ songs.
A part of why I love teaching toddlers is to watch how they connect with music. They naturally will hold hands with their friends, close their eyes and sway, or even seeing their dramatic hand movements and facial expressions. It shows the special relationship we have with music, and one that shouldn’t be underestimated!
Through the impact of Covid19, my ideas expanded in creating online music classes for parents to do with their children at home. I wanted to be able to capture what I teach in class into an easy and accessible online format; while making it a bonding experience between you and your child.
I believe to help nurture a healthy relationship with music, that child has to trust you. They have to feel comfortable in the space they are in. This comes in time, and assisted with a variety of exercises such as our ‘Expression Circle’.
We know every child is different, some are more outgoing than others; some are naturally more confident in an unfamiliar environment. I feel as a teacher, it’s important to treat everyone as an individual, and always keep in mind how and why a child may be feeling a certain way. To try and understand them, because we know they’re just starting to understand themselves.
I feel extremely lucky to be able to be involved in this area of work. I simply love music. It has helped me in so many ways over the years, and helps many people each day without even them realising; putting on your favourite song has the ability to lift or change your mood. If you have any questions or want to get in touch, please feel free here. Until next time…
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