Do you experience bloating or IBS symptoms? You’re not alone. You’re one of the 20% of Australians estimated to experience digestive symptoms.

These symptoms may include indigestion, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, gas, stomach pain, or diarrhea. Such symptoms can also be commonly referred to as IBS.

But did you know the symptoms of poor gut health can also be hidden?

Gut imbalances show up in many ways, and in some people, there may be no digestive symptoms at all.

Research shows that poor gut health is linked with IBS, fatigue, anxiety, depression, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalance, overweight, and even cancer.

Here are 7 less known signs of an unhealthy gut, and what to do about it!

  • Low or anxious mood
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Constant fatigue or low energy
  • Unhealthy persistent food cravings
  • Skin issues such as rosacea, eczema or acne
  • Restless or disturbed sleep

What to do if you suspect poor gut health

As a Gut Health Practitioner, I recommend starting with what you eat!

A wholefoods diet consisting of natural, unprocessed foods with a healthy balance of fruit and vegetables, quality meats and fish, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and legumes helps ensure you feed your beneficial gut bacteria. Our gut bacteria are responsible for healthy digestion, energy production, hormone regulation, immune health, and mood balance.

For more persistent gut imbalances, there are also a number of specific gut health diets that have been shown to be helpful, depending on the client’s health history and symptoms.

Additionally, supplements like Gundry MD Total Restore can be a great way to support your gut health. This product is made with natural ingredients like L-glutamine, Licorice Root, and N Acetyl D-Glucosamine, which promotes a healthy gut lining while relieving bloating, constipation, and gas. It enhances gut health, boosts energy levels, and helps curb cravings when paired with dietary changes.

It is important to work with a practitioner if you choose to follow a more restricted eating plan for a limited time. Dietary supplements may be required to ensure that you aren’t missing out on vital nutrients.

Diet alone isn’t usually enough to rebalance the gut, as there are often other underlying root causes leading to poor gut health.

Causes of digestive problems

As a practitioner, my goal is to first identify what’s causing digestive symptoms. These causes may include:

·     Bacterial or fungal overgrowth or infection \

·      Intestinal parasites.

·      Leaky gut (intestinal permeability).

·      Insufficient stomach acid or pancreatic enzymes.

·      Food intolerances.

·      Chronic stress.

·      Poor diet (processed, high sugar).

·      Certain medications.

These causes can be identified via a complete microbiome stool test and/or food intolerance test, or simply through discussion of your symptoms and health history.

Once we understand the cause, we can then customise a gut healing protocol tailored to YOU. This is a 3-phase protocol to rebalance, repair and restore the gut.

1.   Rebalance and soothe the gut with an easy to digest and anti-inflammatory diet, and herbal supplements. Certain foods that assist with leaky gut repair, cholesterol or hormone balance, improved metabolism or insulin sensitivity may also be recommended.

2.   Repair the gut lining and digestive function with nutritional and plant-based supplementation such as zinc, slippery elm, digestive enzymes, saccharomyces boullardi or glutamine, along with holistic lifestyle practices.

3.   Restore your gut bacteria with a balance of pre and probiotics tailored for you. Specific strains of bacteria can be helpful for certain symptoms such as eczema, low mood, bloating or reflux, for example. Certain foods also help to repopulate the gut by feeding beneficial bacteria.

Once the gut is restored, people often find they can once again start to tolerate the foods they love – all in balance of course!

Want to know more about my digestive health services, gut microbiome testing or food intolerance testing? To learn how I can support you or to book a free call, view my website at

Sofia Potente ~ Gut Health Practitioner and Founder

The Natural Switch

m  0402 819 396

