


Dog Training day at Barracluff Park, North Bondi

Unleash your dog’s potential, in a positive, fun way at Waverley Council’s Dog Training Day. Expert advice on positive pooch socialisation. Training any dog to be well behaved and confident requires hard work, diligence, and commitment. We want all dogs to be the best version of themselves, and with helpful advice, training tips and a supportive community, we can create the best mannered and socialised pooches in Sydney! Join Waverley Council at one of four upcoming information sessions, designed especially for current (and future) dog owners on the topic of responsible dog ownership. These free sessions will take place in…

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Health & Wellbeing


At Combine Air, we are not your typical fitness business. Our model strives on making statements, getting out of bed and getting what we are worth. We are driven to deliver world-class training with a meaningful and positive impact on everyone that engages with CA. COMBINE AIR TRAINING  Combine Air’s mission is to make simulated altitude the training environment of choice for athletes  and health & fitness enthusiasts worldwide, whilst making the Combine Air brand synonymous with simulated altitude training.  COMBINE AIR RECOVERY  Combine Air Recovery offers world-class, state of the art facilities to help you recover faster, so you…

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