


Compost Awareness Week 2024

nternational Compost Awareness Week is a yearly event dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging the practice of composting and worm farming. Worldwide, communities and organisations hold workshops, demonstrations, and events to educate others about the benefits of composting: transforming organic waste into a nutrient-rich fertiliser, enriching soil, reducing waste sent to landfills, and promoting sustainable gardening practices. Composting and worm farming has long been a priority for Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick Councils who developed the now national Compost Revolution program back in 2010. Through the program, Eastern Suburbs residents are entitled to generous discounts of up to 70%on composting and…

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New Life for Old Bikes

Have you got an unwanted bike you would like to recycle or donate to someone? Would you ride your bike more if someone checked it for you? If you are a Randwick Council resident and you answered yes to either question, bring your bike along to Randwick Sustainability Hub at 27 Munda Street Randwick between the hours of 9am and 1pm on 19 August 2023. Randwick Council is offering to: take your unwanted bike away to save it from landfill reuse, recycle or donate for others to use check and tune* your bike – just book in to one of the 12 minute sessions…

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