
Dental care

Health & Wellbeing

Smile Bright – Why Regular Dental Services Are Your Best Friend

Do you ever find yourself dreading that dental appointment, imagining the worst-case scenarios of drills and root canals? We get it—dentistry isn’t exactly everyone’s idea of a good time. But hold on to your toothbrushes because we’re about to flip that frown upside down! Embrace Your Smile Your smile is like your personal sunshine—it brightens up every room and makes even Mondays bearable. But to keep that grin gleaming, regular dental visits are your secret weapon. Here’s why they’re worth every (tooth)ache: 1. Prevention is the Best Policy Imagine dodging the discomfort of a toothache or the drama of a…

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Health & Wellbeing

50 shades of white

Tooth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic procedures done worldwide. Most people are looking for a whiter healthier-looking smile. Tooth whitening is a safe and affordable way to improve your smile. When looking at tooth discolouration, two types of stains cause a change in the appearance of our teeth. Extrinsic stains are the superficial stains caused by tea, coffee, red wine, smoking etc. Intrinsic stains are found in the microcracks of the enamel and deep dentine. Ageing, trauma, naturally dark teeth, and certain medications cause intrinsic stains. We have come a long way in the whitening procedure if…

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