Enjoy roving performers, carollers and decorations.

Check out the Christmas tree at Martin Place and be dazzled by the light show. While you’re there book a photo session with Santa. Our charity partner The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation will receive a $5 donation for every package purchased. They’ll also sell tickets for their Play for Purpose raffle and run Spin to Win giveaways.

Wander through Pitt Street mall under a shimmering canopy of lights and stars.

Spy with your little eye a Christmas tree – there’s more than one. Here are some hints: go over Sydney Town Hall, Customs House Square and St Mary’s Cathedral forecourt.

Look up and follow the stars on top of the light poles along George Street. Discover the lighting displays on the Woolworths Building opposite Sydney Town Hall.

Westfield, David Jones and Myer will trade until 7pm, including food courts.

Check out the festive vibe while you shop at:

  • Queen Victoria Building
  • The Strand Arcade
  • The Galeries
  • MLC Centre and more.

Travel by public transport is recommended. Visit Transport NSW or call 131 500 to plan your trip.

Where: Pitt Street Mall and Martin Place
  • Friday 29 November from 12pm to 5pm
  • Saturday 30 November from 12pm to 5pm
  • Sunday 1 December from 12pm to 5pm
Cost: Free