- The Sculpture Society is the oldest sculpture society in NSW, having been founded in 1951. Our mission is to promote public interest in sculpture through regular exhibitions and disseminate relevant sculpture information to our members. We also promote the advancement and appreciation of sculpture to the widest possible audience. The exhibition is open to the general public from 10-4 daily between 29th October and 3rd November and is free to enter. All sculptures on display are for sale.
- Join us at our upcoming sculpture exhibition in Randwick Town Hall. The exhibition will showcase quality artworks created by our professional and talented members of The Sculpture Society.
When: TUE 29 OCT 2024 – SUN 3 NOV 2024 10 am – 4 pm
- Location: Randwick Town Hall. 90 Avoca Street, Randwick
- For more information visit the website: www.sculptorssociety.com