From the company that brought you the #WeNeedMoreLeave campaign, Kin Fertility is empowering people with ovaries to take control of their entire pregnancy journey from conceiving to postpartum with professional consultation, products and support.
The team at Kin Fertility did the research and spoke to Australian women to understand what the real issues were surrounding nutrition during pregnancy, and this is what they found:
- Results showed none of the women involved (850 women) were correctly following the pregnancy nutrition guidelines, but 61% mistakenly thought they were (1).
- Pregnancy-specific multivitamin use was reported by ONLY 47% of women in the first trimester, 51% in the second trimester and 46% in the third trimester (2).
- 7 out of 10 women have experienced nausea or vomiting in pregnancy and are at risk of nutrient deficiency due to reduced food intake (3).
In response to the above, Kin decided to formulate its own prenatal vitamin — designed specifically to support the baby’s growth and to replenish mum’s nutrient deficits during pregnancy. This is important as taking a multivitamin alone may not be adequate to support the daily nutrient needs while pregnant.
In creating the Prenatal, Kin dived deeper into specific vitamin deficiencies that are common during pregnancy, as well as issues with current prenatal vitamins on the market.
The result was Kin’s Next-Gen Prenatal Vitamin, which is formulated with 12 highly bioavailable ingredients to ensure the body can absorb and use the nutrients effectively and both mum and bub can reap the benefits.
Stats and Kin’s response below:
At least 1 in 3 people have a common genetic variant (known as the MTHFR gene) that makes it difficult to absorb Folic Acid (the most sought after ingredient in prenatal vitamins) and therefore get the benefits from it (4).
Kin uses an activated form of Folic Acid, Methylated folate, instead of folic acid. By using Methylated Folate, Kin’s prenatal allows more people to reap the critical benefits which include assisting healthy red blood cell production and supporting healthy foetal development.
Approximately 38% of all pregnant women suffer from anaemia, and your body needs 150% more iron when you’re pregnant (5).
The Iron used in the Kin Prenatal Vitamin is Ferrochel™️, a bioavailable form of Iron that is easily carried unaffected through the intestine and into the target tissues, so it is more easily absorbed by the body. And, unlike many other iron supplements on the market, this one won’t make you constipated.
Approximately 90%–95% of pregnant women consume less choline than the adequate intake. Choline is also not found in traditional prenatals, despite being a critical vitamin for a baby’s brain development (6).
Kin’s Prenatal contains Choline in its most absorbable form (the bitartrate salt form) – the same form of Choline found in healthy foods, which is easier for the body to utilise than pure Choline.
It’s incredibly common to experience negative side effects like nausea, constipation, acid reflux and diarrhoea with traditional off-the-shelf pregnancy and prenatal supplements.
By choosing only premium ingredients in the most optimal and absorbable forms, Kin’s Prenatal reduces all the side effects that women typically experience from prenatal vitamins. It also combats side effects by omitting any nasties such as GMO ingredients, artificial colours, major allergens and excess ingredients that the body struggles to absorb.
Some additional facts about Kin’s Prenatal:
- 12 key ingredients, essential for baby’s growth and mum’s nutrition.
- Science-led and dietitian endorsed
- Tastes like vanilla instead of fishy!
- You can also save up to 19% when you start a subscription
- Smooth soft-gel coating that goes down like a dream
Eastern Suburbs mums and mums-to-be can get 10% off Kin’s Prenatal and any conception, pregnancy or postpartum product using the discount code: ESM10.
Head over to: https://kinfertility.com.au/the-prenatal
Kin also provides a Conceiving Checklist for those thinking of trying/are trying for a baby, and a Pregnancy Checklist – both of which are FREE and personalised.
The Research
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-14/australian-women-not-eating-right-during-pregnancy-study-shows/6697916
- Nutrition and physical activity | Australian Government Department of Health
- https://mamacare.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MamaCare_Nutrition-report_V1.2.pdf
- Meta-analysis of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms affecting methotrexate toxicity – PMC
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7477519/
- https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Choline-HealthProfessional/