Free RAT tests from Council in conjunction with NSW health

Ahead of winter, residents can now collect free rapid antigen tests (RATs) from various locations across Waverley.

  • Receive up to two packs of five RATs per person, and up to two packs per household member.

The tests can be picked up from:

  • Customer Service Centre 55 Spring Street Bondi Junction, open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
  • Welcome Centre in Bondi Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach, open 10am to 4pm 7 days
  • Waverley Library, Denison Street Bondi Junction
  • And families using our Childcare Centres can collect RATs from their Centre.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone with COVID, please do not go to Council to collect your free RATs.

For more information visit