This event is resented by Waverley Council as part of Pride Amplified.

Join with LGBTQIA+ artists and creatives for a fun day of art activities for ALL KINDS of kids and families.

Visit the Rainbow Wall installation and add your own colourful self-portrait of your present, future or dream self.  Make your own unique Pride flag or pronoun badge, or get lost in a book in our queer story reading corner! In addition to Fambo’s great offerings, you can have a rainbow painted on your face and come together with other kids and families to celebrate the festivities of WorldPride!
Every body is welcome!

This is a free drop-in, family-friendly community event from 10am to 2pm. Registration is encouraged to keep up to date with any event changes.


Fambo produces creative programs for children and their families which centre and celebrate LGBTIQA+ identities and queer arts and culture. Fambo brings together artists and community to create experiences for all kinds of families where gender is not binary or imposed, different bodies are not othered, and creative self-expression is encouraged.

Where: Bondi Pavilion Yalagang Room

When: 18 February 2023 at 10:00am

Cost: Free Registration recommended, register here

Contact: Waverley Council