Childcare centres and preschools provide predictable and safe spaces to build confidence and resilience as children learn about themselves and the world around them.
Uniting Iluka Early Learning, at 73-75 Roscoe Street on Bondi Beach, gives every child a headstart for school with learning experiences such as the introduction of routines, encouragement to make decisions and interact with others, and lots of opportunities to play! Here’s how.
- Iluka establishes rhythms and routines
Uniting educators believe that giving children responsibilities helps them to understand and focus, making it easier to adapt to the rhythm of the school environment ahead. Their age-appropriate routines such as having morning meetings, group activities, free playtime, and meal breaks, creates a sense of structure and familiarity throughout the day. Simple practices such as packing away equipment after play, act as prompts for children to think about the way things work, and why.
- Iluka builds independence and social skills
Children at Iluka are supported to take leadership over their own learning experience, and the decisions made at their centre throughout the day. Things like taking care of their belongings, self-care (toilet washing and hygiene) and deciding how they want to play, helps to develop independence. And to nurture relationships, educators often run group sessions to work through things that may have happened that day, using role play to encourage discussion of appropriate resolutions. Valuing each child’s voice strengthens their confidence, resilience and conflict-resolution skills – important preparation for interacting with other children and educators at big school.
- Iluka encourages life-long learning
Through its child-led curriculum, Iluka educators can build on natural curiosities by introducing important numeracy and literacy teachings in ways children understand. Free playtime in group settings also ensures that everyone’s ideas and theories are respected and encouraged. Open-ended play in outdoor environments also starts conversations about what children see, feel and smell. Through these tactile experiences, children learn about their physical space and how to manage and adapt their bodies in different settings.
And to continue the learning opportunities at home, Iluka provides family newsletters with helpful tips for introducing and guiding educational play. Attending events at the centre, and being in regular communication with the Iluka educators, is also encouraged to support parents and extended families.
It takes a community to raise a child, and Uniting is here to help you prepare your child for their primary education and beyond.
To find out more, or to book a tour of Uniting Iluka Early Learning Bondi Beach, call 1800 864 846 or visit www.uniting.org for more information.